GiveDirectly – Rwanda

In December 2023, we supported the non-profit GiveDirectly with a donation of NOK 10 million. The money goes towards their program that helps to lift people out of extreme poverty.

The money goes towards their program that helps to lift people out of extreme poverty. Over 700 million people in the world live on less than two dollars a day and research show that giving them money directly has a better effect than many other forms of aid. In this way, those living in poverty can choose for themselves how they best can improve their lives.

It is effective, and it gives those living in poverty the opportunity to help themselves. In the long term, the project's goal is to reach millions of people.

The donation has helped many people. Mutabazi Jean and Vestine are two of the recipients. Mutabazi Jean was paralyzed from the waist down in a work accident a few years back. Leaving his family to survive on only his wife’s paycheck. With the money from GiveDirectly the family has been able to buy some land, and they are planning to buy coffee seedlings. In three years, this investment should yield them a good income from selling their coffee harvest. They have also bought a new wheelchair so Mutabazi can more easily get around the village.

Before receiving GiveDirectly’s transfer, the only way Vestine and her family could get food was to work at the neighbor’s farm where she would earn one dollar a day. With the money Vestine has bought a cow and rented some land. She has bought clothes, food and school supplies for her children and restored her house which was in dire need of maintenance. She is saving the rest of the money to make sure her children can attend school for as long as possible.